6 Reasons to Drink Water
Of course, we know that water is the key to hydration. However, many people just don’t drink enough of it to reap the full benefits. Here are 6 reasons to drink more water.
Drinking More Water Keeps You Young
When you’re constantly hydrating your body, you help rejuvenate your skin as well. As a result, you’ll age a bit slower. This helps you preserve a more youthful look for years past your prime.
Great for Building Muscle
Drinking water before, during, and after your workout aids in muscle recovery. The water carries oxygen to your cells, which helps your muscles grow as well.
Helps You Detox
Increasing your water intake helps to flush out waste products and toxins. As a result, you can clean out your urinary tract more frequently. It’ll help you keep healthy kidneys and your liver will thank you.
Can Help You Lose Weight
Incorporating a glass of water each day before your first meal can help you boost your metabolism. Think of it as a palate cleanser as well. Also, drinking water while you eat can help prevent you from overeating. It’s a good appetite suppressant, which can help you lose weight by eating smaller portions.
Helps You Increase Your Brain Function
Your whole body including your brain is made of water. When you properly hydrate, you can improve your concentration, cognitive skills, and memory. You create better blood flow and more oxygen to the brain to help you function optimally throughout the day.
Can Help You Regulate Your Body Temperature
Whether it’s a hot day or you’re doing an intense activity, water can help cool you down. When you’re sweating to cool off, you lose a lot of water. You need fresh water to replenish your body and keep it from dehydrating.